SKU: 14FL326


22.80 (Inc VAT)

  • Product Description
  • Additional Information

Antox NP is designed to neutralise Antox pickling pastes that contain hydrofluoric and nitric acids. We do not recommend using this product with other suppliers pickling paste blends. The neutralizing paste is applied directly on top of the pickling paste before it is washed off. The use of neutralizing paste not only stops the reaction but also ensures that the pickling paste is not washed onto other areas of the job where it may cause corrosion. It also results in a solution approx. Ph7 which can be washed off safely to waste water systems. It must be mixed well before use as it settles when stored.


1. After the reaction between the pickling paste and the weld burn has occurred, apply the Antox NP with the same brush directly on top of the pickling paste. The pickling paste will start to bubble when in contact with the Antox NP.

2. To achieve complete neutralisation, the same quantity of Antox NP is required to that of the pickling paste. The reaction is finished when the bubbling can no longer be seen.

3. The surface should be washed thoroughly with cold water. Natural, synthetic or stainless steel brushes or high-pressure washers aid the cleaning process.


Disposal of reaction products

The waste water contains alloy residue solids from the treated metal. After settling or filtering out the non-soluble constituents the clear solution can be drained off. Local regulations must be observed when disposing of pickling products and wastewater.

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